Sunday, August 26, 2012


Get ready for BREATHTAKING BEAUTY when viewing my HOT CHICKS!  They are GORGEOUS, and I LOVE them!
Here's the profiles of my HOT CHICKS.  Below!

Reddie and Goldie's profiles are below these gals'!  (Reddie and Goldie are my current HOT CHICKS!)

Half Pint: Production Red Hen--wonderful gal!  She was the CUTEST RED GIRL ever!!!

Half Pint is SO cute!  She has a gorgeous face, and her little trot was so adorable!  She loved her fellow HOT CHICKS.  She seemed to always be the mediator.  She loves her friends, especially Mary.  Her comb is really soft, a long with her feathers.  She's really smart, but is rather shy with the other HOT CHICKS.  She loves to be held and adores attention!  Her favorite food was chicken pot pie leftovers.  (Yes, there was no chicken in it!  Don't worry!)
Her nice, orange eyes are the nicest eyes I've ever seen on a chicken!
Below: Half Pint doing the "typical hen lay"!

Meanie (previously)  Minnie (currently) : Rhode Island Red Hen--Highest of the pecking order!  GORGEOUS and lovable!

The picture above is Minnie in her "coat" stage!  (I know, she's adorable!)  To learn more about the "coat" stage, visit Chicken Health!
Meanie lets me pick her up all the time, and was so sweet!  Like Reddie, she makes really cute squeaking sounds sometimes.  (Maybe it's a Rhode Island Red thing?)  This picture on the left is her at my good friend's place.  She lays an egg every morning and they love it!  I'm so proud of her!  (They say it's the best egg they've ever tasted!)
At first, when she started to mature, I thought she was a rooster, but soon realized that she was a beautiful hen.  I think the fierce-looking eyes go along with her high status.  She pecks the other hens (hen pecking! Ha!) frequently to remind them of her place.  But, she is very kind.  My friend wanted to call her Minnie, instead of Meanie, because she was so nice!  So, from now on, her name is Minnie!

GRACIE---CUTE little hen!  Breed: Unknown!  (The place I got her from said she was some type of "Chochin".  Chochins have feathers on their legs, and Gracie did not have feathers on her legs!)
She had the cutest little cluck!
When she was a baby, her colors were simply BREATHTAKING!  When she got older, her feathers turned to more of a partridge color!  She was still definitely breathtaking, though!  She wasn't a Bantam, but she was still small. 
She was about 2 months old in this picture.  She had the prettiest little face!  Unfortunately, she didn't keep those lovely markings on her head when she got older.  Her comb and wattles didn't grow until later.  I believe she was the prettiest little two month old chicken there ever was!
BLONDIE was my favorite chicken.  (Wonder why you see a lot of her pictures?)
Buff Orpington Hen.  Gorgeous GOLDEN BLONDE color!
 When she was little, she usually always let me pick her up.  When she got older she ALWAYS let me pick her up!  (It's all about maturity, trust me!)  She has gorgeous light-colored legs, and her conformation on a whole..... is STUNNING!  She was always so fun to be around.  Her sounds were SO funny, too!  She was very loud and talkative, and loved being held.  She liked to sit on my arm, but kinda just liked being snuggled.  And, not to mention, she was very big!  She was bigger than all the other hens, and my friends and family said that she was the biggest chicken they ever saw!  (Especially the biggest hen!)  BLONDIE had everything.... braun, grace, wits, and beauty!  She was always the first out of all the chickens to figure something out.  Mary followed her like a shadow, and they loved eachother very much!  I LOVE BLONDIE!
Mary:  Petite and fit Buff Orpington Hen!  She had a GORGEOUS GOLDEN color, like Blondie!
She was tall and slender (not unhealthy skinny, mind you!) and buff at the same time.  (BUFF Orpington!)  Her face was so finely shaped, and her comb and wattles were small and petite.  Definitely a HOT CHICK!  She was soft spoken and shy.  She loved her sister Blondie, and they always stuck together!  She was such a sweet gentle girl.  Like Blondie, she was also very smart.  Her and Blondie were the prettiest little team!
Judy:  CUTE little Production Black hen.  She was tough and spunky for a little gal!  I got her after Half Pint, Meanie, and Gracie.  (Before the Blondes)  She had so much attitude!  She was ADORABLE and sweet!  She followed me wherever I went!  When she was with the bigger chicks, she led them.  This led to her demise, though... she was leading, in front of all of them, when a huge Perigrine Falcon swooped in and flew away with her.  I wasn't that far away from them, either.  I was fixing something in the yard, and thought, "oh, they're okay".  I never let my guard down, except for that time.  I regret that!  I miss Judy!

Thanks for looking at the profiles of my HOT CHICKS!

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