Monday, August 13, 2012

Take a look at my HOT CHICKS!

Here's my chickens--get ready to witness their gorgeous beauty up close and personal.
The most awe-inspiring communications come out of their mouths, with their cute clucks.

Here's their names, descriptions, and status.  (video of their cute baby sounds is at the bottom!)

This picture is SO ADORABLE!!!  :)

The pictures here are when they were around two months old, I think.  They were SO CUTE!!
( pictures may be copied without persmission and proper credit to the  If you want to use them..ask me, please!)

Reddie: Rhode Island Red rooster(?)--I'm not sure if he's a young rooster or a strong-looking hen.
He is around four months old. (Currently)

His feathers are handsome and magnificent!  He has very dark shiny blue spots on some parts of his feathers on his body, and his plumage on his tail is looking more rooster-ish.  His overall color is a wonderful shade of reddish (orange looking in some parts) brown.  Some parts of his feathers even have a smoky white shade to them.  His eyes are a brilliant golden-orange color, and look very fierce.  Even though he has strong, predatory eyes, he is as nice as a chicken can get.  I pick him up all the time and he doesn't peck me, at all.  He comes to me when I call him, and he doesn't scratch me either.  His temperment is wonderful.  He makes funny sounds, and sometimes, makes really cute, almost squeaky sounds.  I love him so much!

Goldie: Buff Orpington hen--CUTE CHICK!           Goldie is extremely cute here, and cautious!
She is about four months old.  (Currently)

Goldie is as her names describes her--pure gold!  Her feathers are SO luxuriously soft!  She's such a CUTIE!  And, just so you know, I LOVE Buff Orpington sounds!  OOOUUURRRR is kind of what it sounds like.  (When I post a video of her you'll know)  Goldie's feathers are so shiny in the morning, or whenever the sun glistens on them.  She's beautiful, tough, and kind.  Her eyes are kinder-looking than Reddies, but around the same color, just less orange and more yellow.

Thanks for looking at my HOT CHICKS!!!
Stay tuned for more pictures of the CUTIES!!!!

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